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Thought Leadership

We Are A Technology Company

No, you’re not. Many companies today like to refer to themselves as “technology companies.” I find this both quaint and puzzling. Just...

Tough But Fair

How many times have you heard this expression? What does it mean to you? We hear this expression all the time, usually by someone who...

Employee Evaluations

It’s that time of year again when many managers are doing employee evaluations. I don’t know anyone who really enjoys this exercise. Not...

A Short But Meaningful Conversation

Of all the functions and tasks I’ve had to perform, the one I truly hate the most and have never gotten fully used to doing, is firing...

A Better Boss

Many books have been written about what makes a good boss, and how to be a good boss. There are plenty of lists that circulate LinkedIn...

Breaking Down Silos

"Let's break down those silos." I hear this phrase a lot. It sounds good. Very simple. We should all do that. But, as with many things,...

What's Your Job?

Home Depot had its infamous data breach in 2014. Soon after, the then-current CIO lamented publicly about the lack of investment in...

What do Dogs and Systems Have in Common?

Everybody loves dogs. Most people don’t love systems. So, that can’t be it. Dogs often show affection when they are fed or played with....

Hire Smart People

Smart people, combined with an open culture, leads to a competitive advantage. This is a pretty simple formula. Yet, so many companies...

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